Santander 4 – 7 SEPT 2024
<< Voice Moves
The World>>

Abstract booklet available
We have gathered all abstracts on a single document, available to download here
Call for papers
Participants are invited to submit an Abstract for a Talk, Workshop or Poster, related to the general topics of the conference.
The language used will be English.
All presenters must register for the conference.
Abstract submission opens: October 28th, 2023
Abstract submission deadline: March 1st, 2024, extended to march 15th! The call for papers has ended. For any information related to this, please email
Notification of acceptance: April 30th, 2024
We encourage you to invite colleagues to participate in the conference and submit original research.
All submissions will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the meeting. The main criteria for acceptance will be the scientific quality of the proposals/submissions, followed by the diversity of the topics
The Committee may change an Abstract to a topic or theme session of the program that they found more appropriate.
All Abstracts will be published on the conference website and in a Book of Abstracts.

Abstract Submission Regulations
Oral presentation should present scientific work and be no longer than 10 minutes plus 2 minutes for questions and comments. They will be grouped into sessions according to content.
Abstracts for Free papers should contain: Title (max. 30 words); Authors (name, affiliation); Abstract (maximum 350 words); The investigation’s Objective; Method; Results and Conclusions. Keywords (max. 5).
The key is to show what inspired the research and what its purpose is. It is also important to draw conclusions from the results to ask whether they reflect the paradigm of ideas that we had from the outset.
To encourage the quality of presentations, the best presentation for the audience will be awarded by the “Best Communicator Award”.
Will last 30 minutes. We encourage presenters to submit practical workshops. The focus of your workshop should be on a real-time demonstration of your techniques using the audience members, singers, actors, or patients provided. This is not a lecture format.
Please describe in the Abstract what the participants will see or hear, and in what way they will be involved. If the abstract submission does not explain how the majority of the time will be hands on, then it will likely not be under consideration.
To encourage the quality of workshops, lectures, voice in motion will be awarded by the “Best Communicator Award”.
Will be on display during the whole conference. In addition, there will be a dedicated session where discussions can take place between authors and conference participants.
The submitted poster Abstract, as well as the actual poster, should contain the investigation’s objective, method, results and conclusion.
The size of the posters will be a maximum of 1189 x 841 mm vertical (Size AO). The Abstract text should be a maximum of 350 words.
Please bring the content of your research (videos, work data, etc.) in files to be viewed by anyone when they request this for i-pad or tablets.
To encourage high quality posters, a panel of judges will choose the best one, which will then be awarded the prestigious Gunnar Rugheimer Prize.
Assessment and intervention of dysphonia, measuring treatment outcome and effects, voice disorders and quality of life, acoustic and perceptual evaluation, voice therapy approaches, clinical practice of speech pathology, voice therapy for functional, organic and neurological voice disorders, transgender voice, chronic refractory cough, tracheoesophageal voice, voice therapy for children, etc.
Medical conditions that affect the voice, laryngeal impairments and lesions, assessment and treatment of functional, organic and neurological voice disorders, phono-surgery, head and neck cancer, medical therapy, management and outcome of voice disorders, clinical practice of phoniatrics, advances in laryngeal visualization and assessment, etc.
Singing, theatrical voice, rhetorics and oral presentation, singing styles, choral singing, child voice pedagogy, singing exercises and their function, perspectives on voice teaching techniques, historical and contemporary issues of voice pedagogy and performing, vocal coaching, instructions and feedback, vocal warm-up, vocal tract configuration, articulatory settings and timbre, vocal range and registers, etc.
Imaging and assessment, phonetics, voice range profile, perturbation measurements, occupational voice and vocal load, voice and emotions, cognitive and psychological aspects of voice, physiological measures, acoustic analyses, electroglottography, inverse filtering, synthesis, modelling, bioacoustics, acoustic analysis through artificial intelligence, voice and unstable body balance, impedance, Semi Occluded Vocal Tract and voice, etc.
In this PEVOC 15 2024 conference we believe in and support the generation of fascinating communication. We seek communication of excellence where both speakers and listeners are captivated by the message and the person speaking.
For this reason, we propose that you “fascinate”. The voice moves the world. Communicating is a fundamental part of our daily action and we must do it in such a way that our message and our persona create a footprint that helps incite movement.
We know all of you are good speakers, but if you want to get feedback on how you’re doing or if you wish to improve your style, PEVOC 15 2024 will provide an Orator Coaching team, free of charge. This is a team of experts who can guide you to achieve your full potential as a fascinating speaker.
If you require help with your presentation, you can contact us.